dimanche 14 février 2010

Theatre - Laurence Olivier

Theatre is experienced through all of the senses;
Theatre simultaneously amuses and provokes, clarify and /or disorients
Theatre is by definition dangerous, often revealing what is yet to be acknowledged and penetrating the farthest reaches of the imagination;
Theatre is a collective experience in real time;
Theatre is inherently and profoundly sexual;
Theatre is

Here's some interviews and scenes from one of the great theatre and film actors Laurence Olivier

mardi 9 février 2010

Bad acting, What's the point?

What's Bad acting?

pretending, showing emotion, not caring, leaving yourself behind, hiding, not knowing why, displaying what you think you should feel, underlining the meaning of the scene just in case the audience is stupid etc...

What are you doing? Come to the scene with yourself, wanting something, doing something , aiming to achieve something and then see what happens and have fun!

vendredi 22 janvier 2010

"hamming is not overacting it's fakery " Orson Wells

There's a wealth of inspiring interviews with Orson wells on Youtube,
check them out.

Acting is about acting, not either film or theatre, act in both, act in films, act at the theatre, it's all about doing, experiencing, trying things out, the moment, doing, working , playing...

what acting have you done today?

There's some much to learn from others, and people to inspire you, heres two interesting interviews at different stages of Orson Wells life

vendredi 15 janvier 2010

The nightmare of castings and auditions 1

" Nothing great has ever been achieved without enthousiam" Ralph Waldo Emerson

Casting is the way to get a job, yet it's the process actors like the least. I think when I run casting sessions that often actors walk in as if they don't want to be there. So already they give me a negative impression.

Directors and casting directors want you to be the best because then they've found what they're looking for. It's not war, go in to a casting thinking they want you...

Actors who come in, believe in themselves and the role, are those we want to work with.

vendredi 8 janvier 2010

playing like children

I was thinking how we say we're going to a play and in french the word for acting is to play. I believe acting is about having fun, playing, trying things out, mucking around, exploring just like we do when we're a kid. here's some videos of some of the greatest players around.
Have fun and go out an play...

mardi 5 janvier 2010

Action & Stella Adler

“In an action you must know what you do, where you do it, when you do it, and why you do it but you don’t know how you do it, as the how is spontaneous and unexpected.” Stella Adler

Today I was thinking being an actor is about passion, work, and action. An actor's only mode of expression is the action. Actions are gestures, uses of objects, facial expressions, touching, smelling, speaking, doing something physically and it includes thinking.

Emotions and attitudes are always the result of an action, not a means of expression. The actor does something, and then and only then does s/he feel. Emotions are the logical consequence of our actions or of what is being done to us.

Check out the passion and work and action of Stella Adler as she communicates to us about acting in theatre.

lundi 4 janvier 2010

The foundation of acting is the reality of doing

Actors and others - a blog to inspire you to keep going... ...The foundation of acting is the reality of doing Orson Welles A lesson for all actors I've started this blog as I wanted to share ideas, videos, experiences and the inspiration of other artists, directors and actors with you. So we all keep dreaming, studying, learning , reading, meeting people, expanding our minds, laughing and of course acting.